Dave and I went to his cousins wedding this past weekend in Norwood Young America (way, way, WAY far out there) and had such a great time! After the wedding most everyone headed to Harvey's in Carver to dance and drink the night away. I was sober cab (I had baby Jordan's 3 month pictures on Sunday morning and did NOT want to be hungover! Check them out on my photography blog www.finazzophotography.blogspot.com) and was glad to be as we made it home safe and sound! Here are a few pictures from the bar...the bride is in the middle of the group shot (she was SO CHANNELING Angelina's black and green at the Oscars and looked fabulous!) and I had the opportunity to meet Stunning Sara who flew in from NYC just for the wedding (and to see Mary's (Dave's sisters) play of course)! I think a trip to NYC is in order!
I was in Washington, DC this past week on business and had the opportunity to see most of the historic sites while I was down there. Of all the places I have ever had the privilege of visiting I have never been to Washington, DC before so I was quite excited to see everything up close. The thought did cross my mind...maybe I would bump into Mr. President himself! Or the First Lady!? Alas, I did not see them...the closest I came to a run in with fame was when the nightly news announced that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in town; he for a meeting with some secretary about Huricane Katrina recovery efforts and she was taping a scene from an upcoming movie...so by my best guestimate I was about 15 blocks away from my brush with fame. Oh well, next time!